

时间:2020-11-29 22:25:01 日记 我要投稿




  英语日记大全(1) :

  La la la! This morning I got up early and waited for the new day to begin.

  My good mood of the day. It was a nice, cool day, in the path of the woods, humming tunes, jumping, smiling mischievous drilling, good mood, good mood.

  The morning is a very busy time, the math teacher let us back the positive ratio and the inverse proportion of the benefits. In English class, something happened. Well, strange things.

  At noon, I was worried about what to write. But thinking of it, he fell asleep.

  In the afternoon, the tense moment is coming. I am afraid, I will not do, the composition is not good. But all of this disappeared after the test. I asked the students everywhere to write their composition and write "guangzhou's Spring Festival", which is really exciting!

  Let sunshine be full of mood, happy as fill, everyday good mood!

  英语日记大全 (2) :

  A year in the spring, one day in the morning, often the most perfect in the beginning. Good mood also is same, every day good mood will bring you a day, by heart every day good mood will bring you a day of physical and mental pleasure, every day good mood will clear the exhaustion of a day, you every day good mood will resolve your troubles one day.

  Have a young friend, every day is always pull a long face, complain of injustice, complain family, complain about leadership, colleagues, complain about this that, anyway, a little trouble is to complain in the first place. Complaining about a person's state of mind is bad. Heart every day, not to do things in earnest, don't concentrate, so neurotic man a day, to the person's attitude and work efficiency are sell at a discount greatly, she always feel what is the most right, self-centered, not endorse anyone and anything, don't want to go to understanding and communication, slowly she also becomes a negative person, looks old a lot.

  And an older friend, always a happy heart every day, smile to everyone, looked vibrant, color is also quite good, work every day, life is very regular, she also has a lot of things to do, but to deal with everything with careful attitude, it is not difficult to difficult. Good mood makes her state of mind also become young, life also has the flavor.

  Good mood can be written on the face, bad mood also can write on the face, also is a kind of mood why to choose bad mood? Good feelings are so important that we must cherish them. Don't let all the unpleasantness interfere with it. Don't worry about the things you do in your life or the things you feel bad about, which can affect your mood. Those who influence you must not be able to withstand the scrutiny of time, and time passes by, and often the things that are difficult to do are solved. Maybe you'll come back and think about those things. Don't spoil your mood by the things that come and go.

  Don't obsessively, stick to things that are not necessary, try to deal with them with a calm heart, and respond with a good mood. Good mood is definitely a good medicine that can make you healthy, make you happy, make you young, and make you prettier.

  英语日记大全(3) :

  This day, grandma gave me two tickets, my sister and I happily went to see. I went to the cinema, I took the movie ticket, and my sister went in with the people watching the movie.

  Movie starts, is pleasant goat grey Wolf, I look at the gray Wolf choutaibaichu, watch pleasant goat victory smile, my mood also along with the pleasant goat and grey Wolf came into the story, until the movie was finished I still immersed in the story.

  My sister called me, "brother, aren't you going yet? You're all the same!" Only then did I come to my senses and walk out of the cinema with my sister!

  The movie of the day made me very happy. I was still applauding for the joy of walking out of the cinema.

  英语日记大全 (4) :

  When he came home early in the afternoon, he went to the supermarket on the way back to the supermarket. He bought what his mother wanted. Eat hot pot at night. He can eat with his parents. His diet is similar to his father's.

  While eating hot pot, my mother said one thing in the morning:

  In the morning in the neighborhood, everyone slides down the slide. Gao Qiu Qiu head half small on the slides in a constant Qiu accidentally Qiu, frighten all mother screamed, because Qiu Qiu backward, and behind is the slide of a vacant hole, see Qiu Qiu after pushed the gap edge, stood up. The mother and her mother were shivering.

  It was the fourth time the mother had spoken.

  "There are more bumps in the future." Father comforted.

  After dinner, he was inspired by his friends to teach him to sing, but he didn't talk much. He had to teach scales first, and he didn't, but he could make five notes. But he always had to hold a bar in his hand, and he would not hesitate to pick up the microphone before his mouth.

  On the last day of this year, everyone was in a good mood.

  英语日记大全 (5) :

  On this day, we have a Chinese exam.

  The basic problem was simple, and I finished it. And then you have to modify the sentence. The first one is very simple, and I think the whole class thinks that. But in the second, the teacher said we should pay attention, and as soon as I heard it, I realized that it was difficult. We should carry forward our strengths and weaknesses. I began to change 'promotion' to 'play'. Then I felt a little wrong, and then I looked at it again, and I added 'correction' to the 'good' and 'good'. The sentence becomes this: we should use our strengths and correct our shortcomings.

  The teacher came to check me, the teacher saw my change sentence, although did not say what, but I already saw from the teacher's eyes, I am right!

  When I got to the composition, I covered all the boxes, and came out a few more. Although I was tired, I had a hunch that I could do well! But the result will understand tomorrow, I hope!

  Are you looking forward to it?

  英语日记大全(6) :

  At this time I was basking in the sun in the big lawn, the midday sun was a little strong, and every corner of my heart was well lit, there was no hiding place.

  I don't know when you've been living in my life, in my heart. The kind of emotions I have always suppressed are like poisonous snakes that eat up every cell of my body and eat away at every inch of my blood vessel. Does that feel like a habit, like a hobby?

  I also don't understand, it seems that every cent of the feelings of the effort I have to pay attention to, I am afraid to be as pure as the dandelion of the pure like the fear of a scare to flee. Maybe that little girl's mind is just like this feeling right now.

  At this moment I am like the mimosa under the clear sky, and any wind and grass will wake me up. I am afraid that the wonderful feeling is exposed to the light of day, and finally I have nowhere to run. Just before this moment lover not full, to feel the pure and perfect pure joy, at the time of the shy quietly back to the leaf, alone to savor the kind of like no mixed material.

  "There is a tree in the mountains, a tree with a branch, the heart is happy, you don't know", I do not know why, I thought of this sentence. "Song of yue", the theme song of "the banquet", "the song of yue" refers to "the mountain has no branches, the heart is pleased with the prince". These two sentences sing out the deepest loneliness between people. If a person knows this song, this person won't be lonely. Or maybe it's not just loneliness, but the inner monologue that you don't want to miss.

  Hidden really pay attention to, when friends and talked about his still smile to speak his mind, just like the sunshine growth of trees, flowers, grass, so bright, fragrance, stubborn, and like a stroll the white clouds in the sky so natural, no hidden.

  Actually, I just like it, just like the feeling, it's not enough to let you know. Thank you for the age of song for me, thank you for bringing sunshine to my life, thank you for letting me have a chance to feel the youth of a chance encounter.

  Our story is just beginning. We can't finish it. The mood is like this beautiful weather, full of warmth, leisurely in my heart.

  英语日记大全(7) :

  A famous writer has said that people may have no feelings, no freedom, no health, no money, but we must have emotions. If you desire for health and beauty, if you cherish every inch of life time, if you want to add clear and joy to the world, if you even if fall will face to the sun, so, please forging. Let us be calm, quiet, broad and transparent, covering every morning and night of life. Friends a warm and considerate blessing, parents a smile, teacher a word of encouragement...

  Often can make you have a good mood, good mood don't need to pray, it will appear when you most need, will accompany you through each spring, summer, autumn and winter, every day and night, every minute and second. But say it came, and said, go away, no room for any doubts and you think, but please cut every day optimistic, have a good mood every day, even though you have nothing, even if you only have one day of life, you are rich. Because you have happiness. Don't try too hard to retain, too demanding, because if so, it will be like a sand tightly held by both hands, the tighter the grip, the faster the flow.

  英语日记大全(8) :

  Open the window and look through the fence at the outside world, simple, simple, perfect. I like this quiet, just like I like to laugh, like to play with happy.

  Things are not human. The word "touch" has been around for a while, and it always seems to me that the word is beautiful, although it's just a sad word -- things are still the same, but people have changed. The world is too big, the perfect things are many, but the dirty is also many. In a world of beauty and ugliness, it is inevitable that there will be no one. In fact even at the moment, I also changed, before I was so pure, heart is empty, but at the moment there are too many things coming to me, little by little, is not so simple, really miss before. Fortunately, the person has changed, the appearance has changed, the thought has changed, only that one sentiment has not changed - likes to appreciate every perfect, simple happiness.

  Ah. Every time I feel sad, I will look at the sky in front of the window, look at those white clouds, or listen to the wind and leaves whisper. Also sometimes, will write a harmony in the book, looking back, is a good memory. Actually, there is a kind of simple happiness to eat jelly when sad, it is a soft feeling, when the jelly is sliding into the heart, feel the heart suddenly bright. This is a friend to teach me, really, let me of the perfect mood to remain at this moment, thank you very much!

  Sometimes, I think the world is scary, and why it's so fast that I don't have time to react, and I get stuck in it. But I had to deal with it, so I learned to be brave, and to be strong, which was also my emotion.

  I think it's a good thing to be in a mood of your own. At least, when everything around you changes, you'll be relieved to see that it hasn't changed... This mood, which sometimes I don't notice to drive away, but stubborn it always sneaks back in the gap between sad and happy.

  Close the window, look through your mind to see that simple emotion, can not help smiling. Perhaps, I will keep my mind wandering as it remains, and I look forward to...









